What is Shift Task Force?

Shifting the Conversation Forward

Shift is the independent health care task force for equitable interoperability with a mission to advance safe, equitable, and patient-empowered sharing of health information. To this end, the task force has gathered expert stakeholders across the industry with the purpose of maturing granular data segmentation standards and implementation guidance in order to sponsor patient-driven sharing of health information with informed consent and advance interoperability in a more equitable manner. Shift’s vision is to further a health care ecosystem in which better standards for clinical data sharing increase trust between patients, providers, and caregivers to improve quality of care and health equity. Shift was founded in 2018, formalized in early 2020, and has since grown to nearly 300 volunteer stakeholders.

Our Mission: To advance safe, equitable, and patient-empowered sharing of health information.

Our Vision: To further a health care ecosystem in which better standards for clinical data sharing increase trust between patients, providers, and caregivers to improve quality of care and health equity.